“Tell Me About Yourself” in a job interview: Mistakes to avoid and how to tell like an expert!

4 min readMay 24, 2022


From the course:

Ultimate Job Interview Masterclass: Secret sauce, Practical guideline and a Powerful framework

Remember that the interview is your self-marketing. You have to convince the interviewer that you are the perfect match for this position; you can deliver what these jobs need.

What you should cover during the tell about yourself part

When you go to an interview, the interviewer will first ask you, “Please tell me about yourself, or, “please introduce yourself.”

Mistakes to avoid:

Many people just mention their name, where they are coming from, and where they studied, only this kind of information. That’s wasting an opportunity!

Show that you are a perfect match!

When talking about yourself in a job interview, you should create an impression that you are the perfect match for this position. You should tell in a way so that the interviewer understands that you are the best person for this job and an ideal match. So the interviewer will think that you will do an excellent job if you are hired!

Focus on the following points

  • You should talk about yourself in a way that matches the job requirement.
  • And you can also talk about some other things which are not mentioned in the job description but add a lot of value.
  • You might ask me, how does telling something which is not mentioned in the job description will help? For example, you are being interviewed for a marketing position. You do a lot of social media marketing, but you can also write some blog posts, some good blog posts you have written before. So if they need to write those stuff, they can ask for your help. Or maybe they have someone who writes the blogs, but he’s sick and not in the office right now or busy with other tasks. Then they can ask you, “Hey, could you please help us write a blog?”.
  • So, during the hiring decision, they will think that they are hiring you for one position, but you can sometimes contribute to other places. This will make you more competitive than other candidates. When you tell them about more qualities, which are not mentioned in the job description, it will give you more competence and more edge.
  • Show the breadth of your knowledge.
  • Show that you have a depth of knowledge.
  • For example, you should have deep knowledge of Java programming if you are interviewed for a Java software engineering position. Or, you should have deep knowledge of social media marketing if you’re being interviewed for a marketing position.
  • So how can you show that you have very deep knowledge?
  • For example, you can show that you have done some certification or worked a lot in that area.

How do I tell about myself in a job interview?

I utilize almost 10 minutes to tell about myself. That’s because I have a lot of experience. But those who are fresher or mid-level might not have that much information. But you should talk about yourself, maybe for five minutes, even if you are fresher. I’ll share a framework or template with you in my course so that a senior or an experienced person can use that template. I will also share a template for the freshers.

Tips for freshers

A lot of time, freshers ask, “How can I tell about myself? I’m just a fresher. I don’t have enough experience!”

No worries.

  • I’ll share a template for both freshers and more experienced people; in my course, you’ll find those two templates. So follow my course.
  • I will also show practical examples of how I tell them about myself, so you can also take ideas from that.
  • In my course, I will show a template for freshers and experienced people so that you can easily and quickly fill that template and tell about yourself like an expert!
  • I will also show my exact example regarding how I tell about myself in a job interview.

Note: The above tips does not apply if you are being interviewed for a part where telling about yourself will not have a significant impact; don’t follow this guideline. For example, if you are a software engineer and doing a coding test or some leadership test, this tell me about yourself does not have a very big impact on that part. In that case, keep it as short as possible to save time for coding tests or following leadership tests.

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